Products and Services
- Problem Solving for Running Issues
- Supercharging & Fuel Injection Specialists
- 525, 575, 650, 750, 850, 1000, and 1300hp Pleasure Boat/Poker Run Engine Packages.
- Racing engine development
- Custom Rigging and Installation
- Performance Package Upgrade and Sales Installation
- Mercury Hi-Performance Inboards/Outboards
- Mercruiser stern drive sales and repair
- Engine blue printing & rebuilding
- Cylinder head machining, porting and setup
- Whipple Superchargers
- E.F.I. Installation and Fuel map development
- Holley Carburetor Setup and Modification
- Accel/DFI Fuel Injection Products
- EMI, Imco and Stainless Marine, Hardin and Stellings Exhaust Systems
- Latham and Imco Steering systems
- Isky cams, lifters and valve springs
- Rev valves and valve springs
- Carburetor rebuilding and reconditioning
For further information about any of these products and information please contact our Sales Department